Package xmpp :: Module protocol :: Class Message
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Class Message

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simplexml.Node --+    
          Protocol --+

XMPP Message stanza - "push" mechanism.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, to=None, body=None, typ=None, subject=None, attrs={}, frm=None, payload=[], timestamp=None, xmlns='jabber:client', node=None)
Create message object.
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Returns text of the message.
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Returns subject of the message.
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Returns thread of the message.
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setBody(self, val)
Sets the text of the message.
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setSubject(self, val)
Sets the subject of the message.
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setThread(self, val)
Sets the thread of the message.
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buildReply(self, text=None)
Builds and returns another message object with specified text.
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Inherited from Protocol: __setitem__, getError, getErrorCode, getFrom, getID, getProperties, getTimestamp, getTo, getType, setError, setFrom, setID, setTimestamp, setTo, setType

Inherited from simplexml.Node: __delitem__, __getattr__, __getitem__, __str__, addChild, addData, clearData, delAttr, delChild, getAttr, getAttrs, getCDATA, getChildren, getData, getName, getNamespace, getParent, getPayload, getTag, getTagAttr, getTagData, getTags, has_attr, setAttr, setData, setName, setNamespace, setParent, setPayload, setTag, setTagAttr, setTagData

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from simplexml.Node: FORCE_NODE_RECREATION

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, to=None, body=None, typ=None, subject=None, attrs={}, frm=None, payload=[], timestamp=None, xmlns='jabber:client', node=None)

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Create message object. You can specify recipient, text of message, type of message any additional attributes, sender of the message, any additional payload (f.e. jabber:x:delay element) and namespace in one go. Alternatively you can pass in the other XML object as the 'node' parameted to replicate it as message.
Overrides: Protocol.__init__

buildReply(self, text=None)

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Builds and returns another message object with specified text. The to, from and thread properties of new message are pre-set as reply to this message.