Package xmpp :: Module protocol :: Class Protocol
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Class Protocol

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simplexml.Node --+
Known Subclasses:
Error, Iq, Message, Presence

A "stanza" object class. Contains methods that are common for presences, iqs and messages.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name=None, to=None, typ=None, frm=None, attrs={}, payload=[], timestamp=None, xmlns=None, node=None)
Constructor, name is the name of the stanza i.e.
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Return value of the 'to' attribute.
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Return value of the 'from' attribute.
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Return the timestamp in the 'yyyymmddThhmmss' format.
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Return the value of the 'id' attribute.
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setTo(self, val)
Set the value of the 'to' attribute.
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Return the value of the 'type' attribute.
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setFrom(self, val)
Set the value of the 'from' attribute.
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setType(self, val)
Set the value of the 'type' attribute.
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setID(self, val)
Set the value of the 'id' attribute.
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Return the error-condition (if present) or the textual description of the error (otherwise).
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Return the error code.
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setError(self, error, code=None)
Set the error code.
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setTimestamp(self, val=None)
Set the timestamp.
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Return the list of namespaces to which belongs the direct childs of element
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__setitem__(self, item, val)
Set the item 'item' to the value 'val'.
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Inherited from simplexml.Node: __delitem__, __getattr__, __getitem__, __str__, addChild, addData, clearData, delAttr, delChild, getAttr, getAttrs, getCDATA, getChildren, getData, getName, getNamespace, getParent, getPayload, getTag, getTagAttr, getTagData, getTags, has_attr, setAttr, setData, setName, setNamespace, setParent, setPayload, setTag, setTagAttr, setTagData

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from simplexml.Node: FORCE_NODE_RECREATION

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name=None, to=None, typ=None, frm=None, attrs={}, payload=[], timestamp=None, xmlns=None, node=None)

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Constructor, name is the name of the stanza i.e. 'message' or 'presence' or 'iq'. to is the value of 'to' attribure, 'typ' - 'type' attribute frn - from attribure, attrs - other attributes mapping, payload - same meaning as for simplexml payload definition timestamp - the time value that needs to be stamped over stanza xmlns - namespace of top stanza node node - parsed or unparsed stana to be taken as prototype.
Overrides: simplexml.Node.__init__


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Return the error code. Obsolette.

setError(self, error, code=None)

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Set the error code. Obsolette. Use error-conditions instead.

setTimestamp(self, val=None)

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Set the timestamp. timestamp should be the yyyymmddThhmmss string.

__setitem__(self, item, val)
(Index assignment operator)

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Set the item 'item' to the value 'val'.
Overrides: simplexml.Node.__setitem__